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Volume 5 - Issue 1

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February 2011

BLS News & Review

Volume 5, Number 1

In This Issue

- Executive Director's Message
- Welcome New CLSOs/CMLSOs
- CLSO/CMLSO Profiles
- Corporate America and My First ICALEO
- ILSC Update
- ASC Z136 Update
- Certification Maintenance Points
- My Traveling ANSI

BLS Links

Useful Links

- ASC Z136

Board of Laser Safety
13501 Ingenuity Drive, # 128
Orlando, FL 32826
Ph: 407-380-1553
Ph: 800-34LASER

Website | E-mail

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Executive Director's

As we fervently work to finalize the program for the International Laser Safety Conference (ILSC), I momentarily wonder why we so painstakingly agonize over every little detail.

For the speakers, it is their passion to enlighten and inform, with particular attention to their personal areas of expertise. From practical laser safety to non-beam safety concerns, bioeffects to measurements, hazard evaluation and risk assessment to unique applications, there is no lack of high-quality scientific presentations offered at ILSC.

However, it does not stop with the laser safety scientific sessions. Both Practical Applications Seminars (PAS) will be led by leaders of the industry. The Medical PAS sessions (March 14-15) feature medical laser safety experts including CMLSOs Vangie Dennis, Patti Owens, Leslie Pollard, and Penny Smalley participating in discussions and presentations on today’s most relevant medical laser safety issues.

The Technical PAS sessions (March 16-17) topics range from the everyday concerns of the LSO to audience scanning at laser light shows. Session chairs, which include CLSOs Tom Lieb and David Sliney, address questions such as laser safety in the workplace, what control measures are mandatory, and what regulations apply to the LSO as well as the laser manufacturer.

For the LIA staff, it is our desire to give the participants the best conference experience possible (see Corporate America and My First ICALEO by CLSO Thomas Biever below).

So what is it that pushes us to the limits of our abilities to bring ILSC to its audience? Perhaps for the presenters it is the dissemination of knowledge. It follows then, that for the attendees it would be their thirst for knowledge. Perhaps it is for the sense of accomplishment the first-time presenter will feel, along with the seasoned veteran.

I believe, for most of us, it is a labor of love.

Barbara Sams
Executive Director

Welcome New CLSOs and CMLSOs

Chase Hansel Harris Corp
William Case Technolas Perfect Vision
Carter Kirk Mission Support Alliance
Curtis Liddle Children's Hospital Boston
Frank Spaeth
Sean Tudor NextMed
Barbara Prasad JCMG
Enrika Goins Willis Knighton Health System

Go to the BLS website to view complete listings of CLSOs and CMLSOs.

Profile of CLSO/CMLSO

Corporate America and My First ICALEO

Contributed by Thomas Biever, CLSO

This past September I had the opportunity to attend ICALEO.  Impressive.  Overwhelming.  Intense.  Intimidating.  Attendees and presenters all had something in common besides lasers.  They were all striving to be best at what they were doing.  I felt awkward, but in no way unwelcome, with my Process Engineering background in the Paper Industry.  I began to recognize the world of laser expertise is a small one.  As the week progressed, I noticed how intertwined the relationships of individuals, organizations, universities, and manufactures were.  I had the privilege to hear great people speak at the LIA Awards Luncheon.  Not just speak, but challenge, encourage, inspire, and engage everyone in the room.  It was all quite impressive and historic.  One gentleman commented that these were the best addresses he had heard at an ICALEO, and he had attended all of them.

I met several people who pointed out the absence of end users of lasers in industry and manufacturing [at ICALEO].  I may have been the only one at the conference.   They were wondering why these end users were absent.  I offered this explanation.  Corporate America seems only concerned with this quarter and maybe the next.  Cost cutting, plant closures, personnel reductions, and downsizing are the norm in US manufacturing plants in our current economy.  The fortunate plants and personnel that have survived are in overdrive trying to meet production demands.  Overtime and long hours are expected. Most individuals in manufacturing can’t afford to spend a week at a conference.  Cost cutting measures have curtailed travel and expenses.  It is like a double hit to go to a conference.  There is the fear of being the next to go if you don’t put in long hours, meet production demands, or cut costs.  There is stress and anxiety.  I met two individuals at the conference that were not staying at the host hotel because of cost.  I thought, how inconvenient, especially with the triple degree heat.  Just further evidence of the economy in which we live.

So, why did I attend?  Because I expressed interest and my boss saw value.   Yes, it was expensive, but it was an investment in the future.   What an opportunity.  How inspiring the speakers were.  This economy will recover and when it does we want to be prepared to meet the demands that will be asked of us.

(Reprint from November 2010 BLS News & Review)

The Conference
The International Laser Safety Conference (ILSC) is a four-day conference that covers all aspects of laser safety. It has grown to include the Practical Applications Seminars, which complement the original scientific sessions and are intended for the practicing LSO and MLSO.

From Ben Rockwell, ILSC General Chair,
“The conference has evolved to include two tracks which significantly benefit the laser safety community.  The first track is the Laser Safety Scientific Sessions (LSSS).  These are technical sessions with presentations by recognized world-wide experts in a variety of fields relevant to the cutting-edge in laser safety.  This is the traditional conference content as organized in previous ILSC conferences.  The second track is the Practical Applications Seminars (PAS), now with both technical laser safety and medical laser safety components.  These PAS sessions have grown into a favorite of the working laser safety officer, with relevant discussions about the day-to-day challenges they face.”

The Events
ILSC is four days of networking opportunities, or if you wish to start early, five. On Sunday afternoon, the conference will kick off with a Welcome Reception where you can catch up with friends and colleagues. On Monday, the Awards Luncheon will feature the George M. Wilkening Award Presentation and the R. James Rockwell Educational Achievement Award.

On Monday evening (March 14), the BLS will host its Appreciation Reception for all CLSOs and CMLSOs in attendance. This event is by invitation only; however, invitations are available to those interested in becoming certified. Please contact Jennifer Craft or Barbara Sams for your invitation!

Tuesday evening, ILSC sponsors and attendees meet to discuss products, ideas, opportunities and solutions during the Sponsor Reception. Wednesday’s Hot Topic Luncheon and Panel Discussion spotlights higher power general use lasers now available to consumers at lower costs.

The Meetings
ANSI Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) Z136 convenes its annual meeting in conjunction with ILSC. In accordance with ASC Z136 Procedures, this meeting is open to all members and others having a direct and material interest in the activities of the committee. In addition, various Z136 subcommittees and IEC Technical Committee (TC) 76 working groups will hold ancillary meetings during the week.

Other Offerings
The Laser Institute of America will hold its Medical Laser Safety Officer Course (MLSO) the weekend preceding the conference. The course is designed to give operating room personnel a basic foundation in laser biophysics, tissue interaction and laser safety. Laser safety protocols will be addressed according to the ANSI Z136.3 Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care Facilities standard, AORN recommended practices, and ASLMS practices.

A paper and pencil opportunity to take either the CLSO or CMLSO exam will be offered on Sunday afternoon. If you have been considering sitting for an exam, please contact Jennifer Craft at the BLS for prerequisite information.To be able to sit for an exam on Sunday, March 13, your materials MUST be received no later than Friday, March 4, 2010.

Being a Cooperating Society
Help us show our support to ILSC by attending the conference. After all, ILSC encompasses all things that help you “stay aware of new technology and other advances in the field” and in the course of doing so, you earn valuable CM points. As a Cooperating Society, all CLSOs and CMLSOs will receive the discounted LIA member conference registration fee.

BLS is a proud supporter and cooperating society of the 2011 International Laser Safety Conference (ILSC®).

ASC Z136 Update

The 2011 annual meeting of ASC Z136 will be held on Sunday, March 13, 2011 at the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel in San Jose, Calif. This meeting is open to the public and an excellent opportunity to observe the committee in action! Subcommittee chairs will give brief presentations, either updating the status of each standard’s development (SSCs) or relating to technical concerns that touch every standard (TSCs).
In conjunction with the annual meeting, a number of subcommittees will be holding ancillary meetings during the week:




Contact Person

Mon., Mar 14

1p – 5p


Bill Rothwell

3:30p – 5p

TSC-1  Bioeffects

Bruce Stuck

Tues., Mar 15

8a – noon


Jay Parkinson

12:30p – 1:30p

SSC-8  R&D and Testing

Ken Barat

3p – 5p


Joanna Casson

Wed., Mar 16

3p – 5p

TSC-4  Control Measures & Training

Bill Ertle

Fri., Mar 18

8a – 5p


David Sliney
Karl Schulmeister

If you are interested in observing any of these subcommittee meetings, please contact the chair (above) to advise that you will be attending.
If you are interested in observing the annual meeting, please email Barbara Sams to let us know you are coming.

REMINDER TO ALL: We change our clocks (spring forward) on the morning of Sunday, March 13, from 2:00am to 3:00am. If you are coming to the ASC Z136 annual meeting, be sure to take the time change into consideration.

The annual meeting begins at 9:00am PDT.

Certification Maintenance Points

It’s not too late!!!

If your certification expired in December, you still have one last chance to renew your certification without taking the test again!

All you need is ten CM points!

The criteria for those points can be found in the CM Manual. If you are unsure if some activities are accepted by the BLS, please refer to our website for the Certification Maintenance Point Form. All points must be filled out and sent to the BLS via the CM Point Worksheet.

The renewal fee is $200 ($150 renewal charge and $50 late fee).

Hurry, you only have until May 31st!

If there are any additional questions, please check the BLS website at or contact Jennifer Craft at

My Traveling ANSI

Bob Sarason, CLSO.
Exercising his mind—as well as his body—at Hapkido Summer Camp this past June in the beautiful New Mexico mountains.