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Profile of a CMLSO
- Who happens to be a CLSO too

1. Who are you?

Cathi Scogin, the Territory Sales Manager at Honeywell Safety, CLSO, CMLSO

2. What is your educational background?

I have a degree in Nursing and in Economics

3. Where do you work?

I am the Territory Sales Manager at Honeywell Safety

4. When did you start working with lasers?

I started in the industry in 1987, so I have been working in the Laser Safety field for 25 years.

5. How did you become the LSO?

I worked with Laser Safety Officers everyday to assist them in doing calculations for their eyewear and deciding which eyewear will work best for their systems. The BALSO (Bay Area Laser Safety Officers) group that I have been with for many years put together a program to assist all of the members in studying for the certification exam, which was very helpful.

6. What do you think are the challenges of "today's" LSO?

Some of the multiple combinations can be very challenging, and we (Honeywell) are constantly adapting our eyewear to keep up with the changes in the laser field.

7. How has becoming certified helped/benefited you in your career?

I enjoy working with the LSOs in the field very much; I have a lot of respect from the lasers users and the LSO's I interact with in the field. They understand that the certification puts me a level above, so that when I suggest a product, they can be comforted that I understand totally what I am doing and feel safe. Working as a commissioner on the Board of Laser Safety also helps me to keep up with the changes in the field.